Saturday, March 17, 2012

diggin through old stuff.

So, I came across the Eating Disorder Quiz that I took in Gr. 10. Today. I have been going through my goal binder, which I have had ever since I realized that something needed to change. I find this so interesting. At the end of the quiz it reads...

"If you answered yes to 3 or more of the following questions, it could be a sign that you do in fact have an eating disorder or the beginning of one. you may want to consider seeing a therapist or talking with someone at an eating disorder clinic about his matter."

In the year 2001, 11 years ago. These are the questions that I answered Yes to.

Do you feel out of control when you eat?
Do you feel powerful and in control when you are able to abstain from eating?
Do you binge on food when you are experiencing negative feelings? (anger, sadness etc.)
Do you believe you are fat, even though people tell you otherwise?
Do you feel like you have to be perfect in everything that you do?
Do you exercise to burn calories, rather than to stay fit?
Are you secretive about your eating habits?
Do you feel anger towards anyone that questions your eating habits?
Do you feel guilty after you eat?
Do you hear negative messages in your head (saying you're fat, ugly, worthless)?
Do you think about food constantly?
Do you believe that life will be perfect and you will be happy if you lose weight?
Do you have an intense fear of gaining weight?
Do you feel ashamed of your eating behaviors?

These are the questions that I said no to, but since then I have been in the place where I would have said yes.

Do you starve yourself on a regular basis.
Do you binge and then self induce vomiting?
Do you know the calorie content in the foods that you eat?
Do you avoid social events because there will be food present?
Do you think that you may have an eating disorder?

The questions I said no to and have always said no to...

Do you feel that you do not deserve to eat?
Do you feel the only control you have in your life is in the areas of food and weight?
Do you use laxatives, diet pills or diuretics as a method of weight control?
Do you feel that no matter what you do, it will never be good enough?

Here is where I am now.....

Do you feel out of control when you eat? NO
Do you feel powerful and in control when you are able to abstain from eating? YES
Do you binge on food when you are experiencing negative feelings? (anger, sadness etc.) I did a couple days ago. :(
Do you believe you are fat, even though people tell you otherwise? NO. People don't tell me I am not fat. Compared to models, I am fat. Skinny is beautiful, but it is not the only type of beautiful.
Do you feel like you have to be perfect in everything that you do? NO
Do you exercise to burn calories, rather than to stay fit? NO
Are you secretive about your eating habits? This blog answers that question...
Do you feel anger towards anyone that questions your eating habits? Yes, if they think I should be eating less in order to be skinnier, or if they think I should eat more to make me fatter. I think..none of your business!
Do you feel guilty after you eat? NO. Not when I follow my plan. If I stray, yes.
Do you hear negative messages in your head (saying you're fat, ugly, worthless)? Yes. I am working on changing those thoughts.
Do you think about food constantly? No
Do you believe that life will be perfect and you will be happy if you lose weight? NO
Do you have an intense fear of gaining weight? NO
Do you feel ashamed of your eating behaviors? NO. Not me now. My past ones, absolutely.
Do you starve yourself on a regular basis. No.
Do you binge and then self induce vomiting? NOOOOO!! :)
Do you know the calorie content in the foods that you eat? Yes, but I don't count.
Do you avoid social events because there will be food present? Nope!
Do you think that you may have an eating disorder? No. Despite what some therapist say. I believe in a complete healing from an eating disorder. However, I must always be aware to keep moving forward and not look back. No one is immune to this.
Do you feel that you do not deserve to eat? NO
Do you feel the only control you have in your life is in the areas of food and weight? NO
Do you use laxatives, diet pills or diuretics as a method of weight control? NO
Do you feel that no matter what you do, it will never be good enough? I will always be good enough.

That feels good. I have come a long way.
I love you Daddy!
Sherry Pomerleau soon to be Thomas.

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